General terms and conditions

General terms and conditions

Status of the GTC August 2021 (19.08.2021)

§1 Scope and provider

(1) The following General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to all orders between YourMcShop (online store and a consumer in the version valid at the time of the order.
YourMcShop refers to FloBa Media UG (haftungsbeschränkt) as the operator.
A consumer is any natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that can predominantly be attributed neither to his commercial nor to his independent professional activity (§ 13 BGB).
(2) The products are aimed exclusively at buyers who have reached the age of 18. Buyers who do not reach the required age are regularly represented by their legal representative.
(3) These terms and conditions apply exclusively. No (verbal) side agreements have been made.

§2 Formation of the contract

(1) Wir stellen digitale Produkte auf unserer Internetseite zur Verfügung, welche von unseren Entwickler:innen durch unsere Verifizierung entwickelt und von uns verkauft werden. Ein Entwickler oder eine Entwicklerin hält sich an unsere Entwicklungsbedingungen ( Der Umfang des Produkts ergibt sich aus dem von Ihnen gekauftem Produkt und der hierzu auf unserer Internetseite angegebenen Beschreibung.
(2) Der Vertrag kommt über das Online-Warenkorbsystem wie folgt zustande:
Über die entsprechende Schaltfläche in der Navigationsleiste, können Sie die zur Buchung beabsichtigte Produkte auswählen und über die Schaltfläche „Warenkorb“ ablegen.
Nach Aufrufen der weiteren Seite „Weiter zur Kasse“, erfolgt die Eingabe der Rechnungsdetails sowie der Zahlungsbedingungen; abschließend über die Schaltfläche „Weiter“ werden hier alle Bestelldaten als Bestellübersicht angezeigt.
Durch die Bestätigung der Schaltfläche “Zahlungspflichtig bestellen” kommt der Vertrag zustande. Wir bestätigen den Eingang der Bestellung unmittelbar durch eine automatisch generierte E-Mail.
(3) Mit dem Vertragsschluss erwirbt der Verbraucher nicht das Produkt selbst, sondern das Recht zur Nutzung einer Kopie des Produkts.
(4) Im Falle des Vertragsschlusses kommt der Vertrag mit der
FloBa Media UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Rheinpromenade 13
D-40789 Monheim am Rhein
(5) Die AGB können Sie jederzeit auch unter einsehen. Ihre vergangenen Bestellungen können Sie in unserem Kunden-Bereich unter Mein Account –> Bestellungen einsehen.

§3 Terms of payment

(1) All payments are one-time. There are no tacit debits.
(2) Payment is made by the payment method selected by you (e.g. Paypal).
(3) If you are in arrears with a payment, you are obliged to pay the statutory interest on arrears of 5 percentage points above the prime rate.

§4 Delivery

Unless we have clearly stated otherwise in the product description, all items offered by us are immediately available for download after receipt of payment. This takes place at the latest within 2 working days, if we have been informed about it via our customer support.

§5 Right of withdrawal

Consumers have a right of withdrawal in accordance with our information on the right of withdrawal for consumers at, whereby a consumer is any natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that are predominantly not related to his or her commercial or independent professional activity.

§6 Contract language

The contract language is exclusively German.

§7 Customer support

Our customer support for questions is available for you in several forms on weekdays. For more information, please visit or email [email protected].

§8 Liability

(1) Unlimited liability: We shall be liable without limitation for intent and gross negligence as well as in accordance with the Product Liability Act. We shall be liable for slight negligence in the event of damage resulting from injury to life, body and health of persons. In all other respects, the following limited liability shall apply: In the event of slight negligence, we shall only be liable in the event of a breach of a material contractual obligation, the fulfillment of which is a prerequisite for the proper performance of the contract and on the fulfillment of which you may regularly rely (cardinal obligation). The liability for slight negligence is limited to the amount of damages foreseeable at the time of conclusion of the contract, the occurrence of which must typically be expected. This limitation of liability shall also apply in favor of our vicarious agents and our carrier.

§9 Further obligations on your part

(1) You must inform us immediately of any change in the data required for the performance of the contract. Passwords and other download links must be kept strictly secret. We are entitled to exclude users who do not meet the above requirements from access by you or by third parties. You will be informed of such a measure without delay.

(2) You shall create backup copies of all data yourself on separate data carriers. We are not responsible for the creation of data backup copies.

(3) The contractual relationships are established only with persons established in the European Union. By accepting these terms and conditions, you indicate that you are a person established in the European Union.

(4) We reserve the right to exclude you from our services at any time and without giving reasons. We do not guarantee permanent availability of the services and products.

(5) Errors may occur in our products. We cannot guarantee defect-free products. We will try to correct reported defects within 30 days.

(6) With the purchase, the user expressly assures that he/she is of age and has legal capacity or, in the case of minors, that he/she has the consent of his/her legal representatives.

(7) The user has no right to maintain the website in the version existing at the time of the conclusion of the contract. The operator reserves the right to discontinue operation at any time without giving reasons. Further claims of the user are excluded.

(8) The selected product will be assigned to the e-mail address or, if available, user name entered at the time of purchase.

(9) These GTC shall be governed exclusively by German law.

(10) Should any provision of the Terms and Conditions be or become invalid in whole or in part, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected thereby. If a provision is invalid, the legally permissible provision shall take its place.

(11) All payments are one-time. There are no tacit debits.

(12) All products, which you can purchase from us for a fee, are not intended for resale or distribution.

(13) By submitting the order, you confirm the transfer of the data contained in the order to us and the developer. The data will be passed on exclusively in accordance with the privacy policy 1. i) described.

(14) The consumer is obligated to immediately report any unauthorized publication of one of our products or license keys and/or copyright infringement of our developers to the operator.

§10 Licenses

(1) For some products, the consumer receives a license key with the order confirmation, which is required to activate the digital product. The consumer can see this license key in the order overview of the order under My Account -> Orders.

(2) This license key may only be used by the consumer to activate the product. The license key is therefore not transferable. No loans may be made. The license key may also not be resold.


Privacy policy

You can find our privacy policy at There you will also find all information about our monetization partners and payment service providers.
Furthermore, we use the online store system Wocommerce.



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