Development conditions

Development conditions for developers

Status of development conditions August 2021 (19.08.2021)


§1 Scope and provider

(1) The following development conditions apply to all developers on YourMcShop. Developers are any natural person who publishes a product on our platform, which is sold by us according to the general terms and conditions. In the following, developers are summarized under the term developer.
(2) The offer is directed exclusively to developers who have reached the age of 18. Developers who do not reach the required age are regularly represented by their legal representative.
(3) These Development Terms and Conditions apply exclusively. No (verbal) side agreements have been made.

§2 Formation of the contract

(1) Der Entwickler entwickelt für unseren Webshop ausschließlich Produkte, die virtuelle Software oder Dateien enthalten. Diese werden dann von uns geprüft und durch uns veröffentlicht. Der Entwickler gibt uns sein Einverständnis zur Weitergabe der Nutzungsrechte an den Kunden.
(2) Der Vertrag kommt über das Erstellen des Entwickler-Benutzerkonto zustande.
(3) Sobald der Entwickler ein Produkt erstellt hat, verpflichtet er sich die Funktionalität des Produkts aufrecht zu erhalten, auf Mängel oder Fehler hinzuweisen und innerhalb von 30 Tagen zu beheben. Des Weiteren ist der Entwickler für den Kundenservice seiner Produkte verantwortlich. Ein Entwickler verpflichtet sich genaue Angabe zu seinem Kundensupport zumachen und innerhalb von 5 Werktagen auf Anfragen der Kunden zu antworten.
(4) Sollten die Verpflichtungen des Entwicklers vom Entwickler eingehalten werden, kann dieser eine Auszahlung der Provision pro Bestellung, welche genauer in §6 Provision beschrieben werden, beantragen. Ihre Anfragen zur Auszahlung sind für uns verbindlich. Wir behalten uns das Recht vor eine Auszahlung anzunehmen oder abzulehnen, wenn die in dieser Vereinbarung beschrieben Verpflichtung missachtet werden. Eine Auszahlung erfolgt dann über die vom Entwickler festgelegt Zahlungsmethode für Auszahlung, welche der Entwickler im Entwickler-Dashboard anpassen kann.
(5) Im Falle des Vertragsschlusses kommt der Vertrag mit der
FloBa Media UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Rheinpromenade 13
D-40789 Monheim am Rhein
(6) Die Entwicklungsbedingungen können Sie jederzeit auch unter einsehen.

§3 Contract language

The contract language is exclusively German.

§4 Developer support

Our developer support for questions is available for you at the e-mail [email protected].

§5 Liability

(1) Unlimited liability: We shall be liable without limitation for intent and gross negligence as well as in accordance with the Product Liability Act. We shall be liable for slight negligence in the event of damage resulting from injury to life, body and health of persons. In all other respects, the following limited liability shall apply: In the event of slight negligence, we shall only be liable in the event of a breach of a material contractual obligation, the fulfillment of which is a prerequisite for the proper performance of the contract and on the fulfillment of which you may regularly rely (cardinal obligation). The liability for slight negligence is limited to the amount of damages foreseeable at the time of conclusion of the contract, the occurrence of which must typically be expected. This limitation of liability shall also apply in favor of our vicarious agents and our carrier.

§6 Commission

When a product developed by the developer has been sold, the developer is entitled to a commission, provided that the development conditions have been met.
The exact commission rate is stored individually in the developer's user account. In most cases, however, the commission rate is based on our specifications, which you can view at

§7 Further obligations on your part

(1) You must inform us immediately of any change in the data required for the performance of the contract. Passwords and other download links are to be kept strictly secret. We are entitled to exclude developers who do not meet the above requirements from accessing our services. You will be informed of such a measure immediately.

(2) You shall create backup copies of all data yourself on separate data carriers. We are not responsible for the creation of data backup copies.

(3) Our Developers are persons established in the European Union. By accepting these terms, you indicate that you are a person established in the European Union.

(4) We reserve the right to exclude you from our services at any time and without giving any reason. We do not guarantee permanent availability of the services, products.

(5) With the publication of products, the developer expressly assures his full legal capacity or, in the case of minors, the existence of the consent of the legal representatives.

(6) The developer has no right to maintain the website in the version existing at the time of the conclusion of the contract. The operator reserves the right to discontinue the operation at any time without giving reasons. Further claims of the developer are excluded.

(7) These Terms and Conditions of Development shall be governed exclusively by German law.

(8) Should any provision of the Terms and Conditions of Development be or become invalid in whole or in part, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected thereby. If a provision is invalid, it shall be replaced by the legally permissible provision.

(9) All disbursements are one-time.

(10) All products, which you can publish with us, are intended exclusively for distribution with us (exceptions are possible only after written agreement).

(11) With each order you receive customer data, which they may only process in accordance with the privacy policy.

(12) You cannot make any payout from the commission of deleted products.

(13) Products may only be deleted 30 days after the last order. However, you can request deletion or make your product private before that.

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