
Delivery time: not specified



Delivery time: not specified

Product Information

Spigot 1.8.8

Item number: 0002 Categories: , Tags: , 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , , , ,
    (2 customer reviews)

    Product description

    ActionNews is your plugin for personal server messages via the Actiobar & broadcast messages.

    It has been tested for Minecraft versions 1.8 - 1.19 with Java 17 and runs without problems. Problems might occur with other versions.


    - Multiple languages (see config)
    - Player personal messages in the action bar
    - Player personal messages as broadcast message
    - Replacements for messages (%name% for player name, %displayname% for display name, %onlineplayers% for online player count)


    1. you download the ActionNews.jar file and move it from the download folder to the plugins folder of your server.
    2. now you can restart the server and it has created a folder with config and languages.
    3. please enter now the received licensekey in the config.yml and adjust all other settings to your server!
    Restart the server again and the plugin should be loaded successfully!
    If an error occurs, please contact the support.


    License: LicensekeyThe license key which you will receive after the purchase. Language: en-ENYour language for all news. LanguageDir: ./plugins/ActionNews/languagesLanguages folder. Actionbar: 'true'Whether the action bar should be enabled. Broadcast:   enable: 'true'Whether the broadcasts should be enabled.   sound: LEVEL_UPThe played sound for each broadcast.   announce: '60'The time in seconds between each broadcast. You can edit all messages in your "(de-DE).lang" file in the "languages" folder.
    Featured Developer
    3.89 von 5

    2 reviews for ActionNews

    1. User avatar

      mc (Verified owner) -

      Plugin not bad, would still be happy about an adjustable time for the action bar.

    2. User avatar

      GamingBoss007 (Verified owner) -

      Cool plugin

    Only registered customers who have purchased this product may submit a review.

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