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Product Information

BungeeCord 1.8.8-1.19
BungeeCord 1.8.8-1.19

Item number: 0011 Categories: , Tags: , 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 1 , ,
    (6 customer reviews)

    Product description

    Find friends on your own server!
    It has been tested for Minecraft versions 1.8 - 1.19 with Java 17 and runs without problems. Problems might occur with other versions.
    - Multiple languages (see Config - German, English).

    - All around configurable (all messages, commands and values).
    /friend list - shows a list with all friends of a player.

    /friend togglejump - Disables friend togglejump.

    /friend togglemessage - Disables receiving private messages.

    /friend togglenotify - Disables receiving online/offline notifications.

    /friend acceptall - Accepts all open friend requests.

    /friend denyall - Rejects all open friend requests.

    /friend clear - removes all friends from the friends list.

    /friend add - Sends a friend request to a player.

    /friend remove - Ends friendship with a player.

    /friend accept - Accepts the friend request from a player.

    /friend deny - Rejects the friend request from a player.

    /friend jump - Connects to the server of the specified player.
    1. download the FriendSystem.jar file and move it from the download folder to the plugins folder on your BungeeCord server.

    2. now you can restart the server and it has created a folder with configs and the languages.

    3. please enter now the received licensekey in the config.yml and adjust all other settings (e.g. the MySQL access data) to your server!

    Restart the server again and the plugin should be loaded successfully!

    If an error occurs, please contact support.
    License: LicensekeyThe licensekey you get after purchase. Language: en-ENDyour language for all messages. LanguageDir: ./plugins/BanSystem/languagesLanguages folder. MySQLYour MySQL credentials Friend.OnlineOfflineNotifyDe-/Activates the OnlineOffline notification in general. Friend.MSGCommand.enabledDe-/Activates the MSG Command (/msg) and the Reply Command (/r) Friend.MSGCommand.onlytofriendsSets whether direct messages can only be sent to friends. Friend.MaxFriendsSets the maximum number of friends. You can edit all messages in your "(de-DE).lang" file in the "languages" folder.
    - friend.maximum.ignore -> Ignores the friend limit (see config).

    Featured Developer
    3.89 von 5

    6 reviews for FreundeSystem

    1. User avatar

      Verzxxbert (Verified owner) -

      Good plugin, however it would be much better if you could change the messages of the command list as well

    2. User avatar

      Anonymous (Verified owner) -

    3. User avatar

      mineparty.me (Verified owner) -

      ok so uploading works but unfortunately it does not work on the 1.15.2

    4. User avatar

      ferdinand peetz (Verified owner) -

      I would find cool if you could make your own messages in a messages.yml.

    5. User avatar

      ImALegitBadDuddeee (Verified owner) -

      It's not bad, but it would be great if there was another /f alias.

    6. User avatar

      MixelMC (Verified owner) -

      I find it very good.
      However, I would like to see the friends who are online and the friends you have in the scoreboard in the lobby.
      Only I do not know how to retrieve it from the plugin.
      Would be nice to get some feedback.

    Only registered customers who have purchased this product may submit a review.

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