In this post I explain my recommendations for setting up virtual servers and give you information about which hosters I can recommend, in line with my Youtube video.

We'll start with the hosters, because before setting up, you should think about which hoster to take for your own server.

I can recommend you the following hosters:
- Contabo: https://contabo.com/de/vps/
As a cheap, but efficient, hoster I recommend Contabo. Especially in the VServer areas they have good offers.

- Klauke Enterprises: https://www.klauke-enterprises.com/dedicated-server
For years I have been using Klauke Enterprises for dedicated servers and larger projects, because there I have direct contact to the hoster and many problems could be solved quickly.

- Hetzner Cloud: https://www.hetzner.com/de/cloud
I can recommend Hetzner similarly to Contabo. I have a storage box there for backup, for example.

Now we come to the setup. To do this, log on to your server via SSH.
I can recommend Bitvise as a program. You can find the download here.

I recommend Ubuntu as your operating system.
We now start with the commands in the console:


## Update & New Password & Timezone
apt update && apt upgrade -y

# New password

# Set Time
timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Berlin


## Preparation & Standard Tools
apt install sudo curl nano zip unzip screen -y

# Cool tools
apt install htop
apt install netstat (optional, Debian only)

df -h (current memory and so on)
netstat -l (Listen to ports)


## Install Nginx
apt install nginx -y

## Install PHP
apt -y install php php-common

# PHP FPM & Extensions of PHP
apt -y install php7.4-fpm php-cli php-fpm php-json php-pdo php-mysql php-zip php-gd php-mbstring php-curl php-xml php-pear php-bcmath php-imagick php-intl

# Check version
pvp -v


## Check if Apache2 is installed?

# Stop Apache
service apache2 stop

# Uninstall
apt-get purge apache2 apache2-utils

# Apt autoremove
apt autoremove

# Delete files maybe?
whereis apache2


## Install Java

# Version 8
apt install openjdk-8-jdk openjdk-8-jre -y

# version 16
apt install openjdk-16-jdk openjdk-16-jre -y


Thanks for reading!
If there are any suggestions for improvement, then please report them :)