Multilingual products

Offer products in multiple languages!

Before we begin...

Products can only be offered in multiple languages if they are fully translated or can be translated by the customer. This can be done e.g. by a configurable configuration file.

This page explains how to translate a German product into an English product. It is therefore assumed that you have already created a German product according to our specifications.


Let's start with the translation...

Products can be translated relatively easily via the Shop Manager. To do this, go to the editing page of your product (via Products -> Click on the desired product) and scroll down a bit. On the right side under "Visibility in the catalog" you will see the translation area (see picture 1).
There you can simply press the + sign next to the English flag and the translation will be created. This takes a short moment and then the page reloads. On the new page (cf. picture 2) you can now see the new English product. This is a translated product, because you cannot adjust the price on this page, for that you would have to go back to the German product. A note to this effect is displayed under the description (see image 3).

Now that you have created the translated product, you can choose an English title and add an English description. Customers who have their language set to English will now see the translation and not the German product.

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